I TRY: Post 1 - Bullet Journaling
For my latest blogging adventure I decided to try something new and bring it back to what readers I have! If after this post you want to suggest something, drop us a line!
If you could not tell by the name of this post and my cute graphic up above, I tried Bullet Journaling! If you remember from my last post I may have said that I wanted to try bullet journaling! Well I am here to say - I AM NOT GOOD AT IT!! *Insert my awkward laugh*.
I started with some basic tools:
I even bought some new pens just for this occasion!
I then researched how to bullet journal. This is what I expected:
I want to thank Pinterest for those images, if they are yours - I will credit them - DM me.
So I cracked open my new bullet journal and pens, ready for this fun "I TRY" session.
And... this is what I got:
WARNING... I am NOT artistic...
FACT - I tried SUPER hard!
Please keep reading at the end of these photos...
So here are some things I learned from this experience:
1. I am NOT going to be good at this after four tries.
2. I want to keep trying!
3. It was fun to step outside of my normal comfort of writing and trying this way of bullet journaling.
4. I have so much respect for artsy people!
5. I will stick with digital/computer generated graphics if I can!
Why was this so hard for me? Well as stated a couple of times, I am NOT a good artist. Do you see in the last picture my stick figure? Yeah, that is about as good as it gets.
I really love this "I TRY" series that I am starting on the blog. If you would like to see more of it, let me know!