Don't Let Fear Rule You
Imagine this...
You just finished college, and all of your hard work is coming to a close.
Walking down the isles of the auditorium, watching all of the cameras flashing and the people cheering for all of their loved ones. Stepping onto the podium to receive your diploma [holder].
Then the reality sets in. You know what this feels like. You're moved home, with your parents at a job that pays you a lot less than what you expected, and hardly in your field of study. Blech!
Attempt after attempt at trying to make it big, and trying to show the world that you have amounted to something other than a fast food worker.
Finally you get a chance at something more career focused... at the bottom, but paying a little more than what your previous job entailed.
You have moved out of your parents house, you have moved in with a friend, living the dream....
But now you are BROKE and living the dream!
Living pay check to pay check, but you would not have it any other way!
This is a true story! This is how I feel and I am sure millions of other people feel. Either they are single, or married, or just with their cat!
Life outside of the comfort zone can be pretty scary, but as the saying goes "life begins outside of your comfort zone".
I recently started a new job with more work responsibility but I have worked so hard to make this dream come true. Each day is a new learning experience for me, but I have to keep reminding myself to not let fear rule me.
Fear doesn't exist, it is something we use as a void when we really just do not want to try!
So do not feel alone, today is your day!
Make the dream a reality!